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Adding a new Employee

Onboarding a new Employee

On boarding and sending an invitation to a new employee is easy.

  • Navigate to your menu on the side bar.
  • Click Employee in the My People menu option. There you will see a list of your current employees, and their onboarding status
  • Click Invite Employee

Setting up Employee details

This page will appear and you will need to complete all the relevant information. To invite a new employee, you will only require their name and email address in order for the Onboarding process to commence.

Other details your require

  • Employee name/surname
  • Email
  • Date Hired from
  • Assign them to your work premises
  • Assign them a role from the available roles
  • Assign a created pay template
  • Assign permissions by role. This can be edited within the permissions page for individual requirements
  • Assign and attach any documents for electronic signing or viewing
  • Required Training certificates for upload will automatically appear in on boarding according to the job role

Sending an Onboarding Invitation

  • Once completed press “send invite” and the employee will receive a link via email where they can commence the Onboarding process
  • You can monitor whether the link has been opened by the pending notification
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